6 Genius Apple Watch Tips You Need Today
The Apple watch can do are much farther away than showing how many steps have been taken just for ticking properly at the right moment. Whether a new one or one of those early risers when a thing is handed over, like me, one cannot say how many cool little tricks simply make life much smoother and the user experience of such a watch amazing. Here are six genius tips and tricks with the Apple Watch that everybody would love to learn.
1. Make Your Watch Face More Handy
This makes the Apple Watch amazing because you could make it
wear a face uniquely yours or shortcuts, complications added into your watch
face, that may lead you into functions or applications. Maybe you'll eventually
find yourself sporting that fitness shortcut for weather updates - even for
your calendar. To do this, follow these: Press down on your face. Then tap
"Edit" and pick complication-enabled watch face.
• Swipe complication spaces and select some of the apps or
information you'd like to have on your wrist.
All of that right there in your face.
2. Siri Hands-Free
You'll never need to hit a single button so Siri is going to
speak the question out loud out to you so you only ever raise up the wrist and
ask, "Hey Siri, and then the question".
Here is what you can do:
• "Hey Siri, begin workout.
• "Hey Siri, dial Mom at 7 PM."
• "Hey Siri, play my favorite playlist."
Tap your wrist and the watch listens in silence, no "Hey Siri", as it'll only listen once the audio hears the voice command.
3. Double click the crown to wake up. Works with: Apple Watch Series 9 or later
Double tap and now you are set to clutch an Apple Watch
Series 9. A new gesture has enabled the ability to thump through it so that now
you work while your index fingers no longer touch to pinch the gadget in.
Scroll through your widgets, pause it by timers or calls double tapping to get you that far, that you need to be done, into settings > accessibility > assistive touch to turn this feature on Try it out it is a game changer:
4. Silent your watch with just one click
You can turn off your watch in a meeting room or silent
elevator without even buttoning. Here's how to do it using the following
• Click your palm across the watch screen for 3 seconds.
Feel it vibrate and the ring switch off immediately; no need for a button touch.
5. Share Walkie-Talkie with Friends
A cool and pretty hassle-free way to always catch up with
your friends or family: You can, in the true old style of a walkie-talkie,
exchange a very short voice message in both directions with each other at the
same time.
How to use
In Walkie Talkie on the watch.
Add contact
• As soon as they accept your invitation you just simply tap
the talk button and hold the button pressed to send your message.
Great for extremely short communications that texting feels like too much of an overkill
6. Track Health
Your Apple Watch is far from that watch. An assistant to
take care of your health. Track heart rate and blood oxygen, or even the trend
pattern of sleep.
To get on
• Tap Health on the iPhone.
• You have specific health metrics to track.
• Enable Alert for atrial fibrillation or abnormal high/low
heart rate
These too hold very good information value for your concern, which pertains to health and general wellbeing, as issues may develop far even before someone senses them to be slow.
Bonus Tip: Maximize Battery
Any time your watch turns off Low Power Mode is one of the things contributing to this longer life of a battery in your device. Settings/Battery/Low Power Mode Inside Low Power Mode, many aspects of the will be turned off the watch has only so many tasks it is capable of working on
With the help of these very simple tips on your Apple watch, you can sit back, take the best out of your gadget, and use this gadget throughout life. Do it and see how smart a smart watch can be! So what's your favorite apple watch trick? Let me know your thoughts.
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